

A short time ago, I met the professor of Tohoku University on business.

We talked about the new book's script written by her in a friendly way.

It's good, but I was tired.


My Dream in the Near Future

My dream in the near future is to enter Temple University Japan.

I will get the certificate of international business communication.

I can be confident to get it in my life.

I will try it as well as I can.

Mother's Milk

We breast-feed my son.

He drinks mother's milk whenever he wants to every day.

I wonder why a mother can breast-feed her baby.


Lay off

It is said that the company which a friend of mine works for is going to lay off before long.

Japanese economy shrinks recently.

We have to survive this economic war.


I usually practice English conversation every day.

I don't know I am better than yesterday.

But I'll do my best day and night in the belief that I can do it.


Hate Winter

I hate winter very much.

Because (1) it is too cold, (2) it is too dark, (3) it is too sad.

When winter comes, I feel blue every year.

Japan has four seasons. I like it. It's good.

But I don't want to winter.

Came Home

(an article dated November 24)

I came home in Tokyo at 14:00.

I was lucky because a expressway wasn't congested.

My son seemed to be calm in our room.

My wife had to stay up all last night because my son did't sleep and cried.

So she was too tired.

I was sorry to her.

Wedding Anniversary

(an article dated November 23)

Today is our wedding anniversary.

My wife and I bought a bottle of champagne and some pieces of shortcake.

And I cooked pot-au-feu.

Then we (I, wife, son, and parents) ate them.

I have managed to keep on our married life for 3 years.

I will continue.


(an article dated November 22)

We went to my hometown-Nasu Karasuyama city in Tochigi Prefecture-today.

I showed my son to my parents and grand parents.

They were overjoyed to meet my son.

I could be dutiful to my parents and grand parents.



It's really gotten cold recently.

I am very weak in winter.



I had a meeting with a lecturer at a university in Chiba.

I went there in the morning.

I took a train for many hours because it was too far from my office.

I was very tired.

I was relieved that the meeting was good for me.


Year-end Party

We have fixed December 27 as the date of our year-end party.

It will be held on a log house with a hot spring.

I am glad to see my high school classmates very much.

English Conversation

I study English conversation every day.

I hope to speak English before long.


The University of Tokyo

I went to The University of Tokyo to meet a professor on business, today.

He was my adviser of the graduate school of Hitotsubashi University (He changed his job from Hitotsubashi University to The University of Tokyo, a few years ago).

I was happy to see him.

I can know the latest study to talk about him, and it served as an incentive for my study.

I have to work harder.



Last night, my family (my son, wife, and I) put up at the hotel in Akasaka.

We sometimes stay at luxury hotels.

Because we think it's fun to be extravagant once in a while.

My son jumped for joy.

My wife was too.

We are not rich, but occasionally we can afford to stay at them.

We will give thanks to God.


Now I have a little time to write this blog.

I drink a coffee and then I resume my work.

I'll stick it out.


Two days ago, my wife and I went to a theater to watch a ballet.

She likes ballet very much.

I heard that she had joined in a ballet club from junior high school to high school.

The ballet was very interesting for me.

The day, we watched "Fire Bird(in French,'L'Oiseau de Feu', in Russian,'Жар-птица')."

We could understand it.

I will go to watch a ballet one of these days.


Kenichi Ohmae

Today, I bought a book written by Kenichi Ohmae.

Its name is Re-draw your life plan: Reboot your career.

I began to read it a little while ago.

It is exciting for me.

Kenichi Ohmae is one of the most popular cousultants in the world.

I respect him very much.



I am very busy, today.

I am very tired.

When I come to my house, I will eat dinner cooked by my wife and play with my son.

How to speak English well

I want to speak English well.

But I don't know how to study English conversation.

Please tell me about this.

( I will make a proper return for your favors.)


Make a speech

I have to write a draft of my speech by tomorrow morning, because I am going to make a speech at the English conversation school.

I am too tired, but I will try it now.


I want to be a professor of business administration.

And I have to study Statistics to enter a doctoral course.

Where can I learn it?

First writing

Hello, nice to meet you.

I want to speak English well.

So I will try writing blog in English.

Please read this page after this.

Thank you.